Wednesday, July 26, 2017

How to convert DXF to SHP on QGIS 2.18


Quantum GIS is a powerful GIS application that has many features. On this tutorial, I am going to show you how to convert DXF file to ESRI SHP file using QGIS. I am using QGIS version 2.18.10 on this tutorial.

In order to save or convert the DXF file, we need to open it first on QGIS. Read this post if you need a guide on how to open DXF file on QGIS. Now, I assume you have opened the DXF file in QGIS and we are ready to export the file as SHP file.

Go to Layer | Save As

export dxf to shp on qgis

Select ESRI SHP from the format list. And then browse to the location to save the file and give it a new name. Click OK to start the process.

That's it, now we have successfully open DXF file and then save it to ESRI Shapefile using QGIS. For more tutorial about GIS program, subscribe to this blog and don't forget to share it with the world.
